Sunday, March 21, 2010

Open discussion on aging: Halifax initial progress report

This is the second post in a series of the process of open discussion about aging in Shambhala within the Halifax Shambhala community.


Thirty people gathered at the Halifax Shambhala Centre on the evening of March 15, 2010 to share ideas, concerns and information about aging. After a talking circle in which each person expressed their views, we formed into working groups to begin defining key issues. The results from the working groups are listed below. It was also decided to schedule two additional gatherings.

THE NEXT GATHERINGS WILL BE: TUESDAY, MARCH 30, from 4-6pm (Not Monday the 29th as previously announced) and TUESDAY, APRIL 6, from 7-9pm; at the Shambhala Centre.

At these gatherings we will further explore, refine and prioritize issues and develop plans for how the key issues could be addressed. The gatherings are open to anyone interested. It is not necessary to have attended the previous meetings.

Anyone wishing to be on an email list related to aging in Shambhala can send an email to:

Advocate for accessibility to the Halifax Shambhala Center.
Service for people who need help, including creating a group housing situation.
Elders as wisdom and compassion holders.
A needs assessment of community members over 50 years of age.
Time limited ‘aging group’ for discussion of aging related issues.

Cultivate compassionate resources to help people in need.
Co-housing as we get older (Why don’t we have a Marpa House in Halifax?).
Economic crisis for people who put time into Shambhala instead of their own careers.
Practice and talk are fine, but it’s time to ‘do something’.

“Good at the beginning, good in the middle, good in the end”.
Support group among elders.
Housing options; group and shared.
How elders can offer their wisdom.

Support for care givers of elderly parents.
Using the Deleg system.
Help getting funding.
Social isolation and social networks.
“Universal Design” for accessibility.
Passing wisdom to the next generation.


Open discussion of aging related issues: the process in Halifax

One of the goals of the Shambhala Working Group on Aging is to support Shambhala Centers and groups in identifying and working with aging related issues. It is likely that, although there will be many commonalities, each center/group will have somewhat unique issues and resources to work with them.

It my be useful to share the process and content as different centers working on aging related issues. A series of postings on this blog will attempt to do so, beginning with a process that has begun in Halifax.

The first post includes the invitation tht was sent out to all members and friends of the Halifax Shambhala Centre. The next post will provide an initial progress report.

On Aging in Shambhala: an open discussion of ‘old age’ and its implications for individuals, families and community

Discussion facilitated by David Whitehorn, Chair of the Shambhala Working Group on Aging.

Monday, March 15, 7:30 – 9:00 pm at the Halifax Shambhala Centre

What does it mean to grow old in Shambhala? How do the Shambhala practices and the vision of enlightened society relate to the experience of what is conventionally termed ‘old age’? How can we, as individuals and as a community of practitioners, respond to the needs of older people in our lives?

These and related questions will form the basis for this open discussion. We will use an informal “talking circle” and related formats so that everyone can contribute to the discussion, to the extent they wish.

This gathering also marks the beginning of an ongoing network for people interested in addressing issues of ‘old age’ in the context of the Shambhala teachings.

There is no cost for this event. Everyone who is interested is warmly invited